Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Write It Down!!

This weeks blog post is about a simple thing that many people overlook, or don't understand the importance of. It's something that I tell every single person to do when starting a training program of any kind.

This simple task is: Keep a training log and write everything you do in it!

What's the one thing you need in order to get into better shape? Progress

How are you supposed to know if your progressing if you're not writing down your training?

You can't! The best thing you can do for your progress is track it.

So what should you be writing down? Everything.

What you do for a warm-up (which will be the topic of next weeks post), exercises, sets, reps, weight, any cardio, grip or core training, how you felt, how much you can move up in weight or reps for next week, what supplements you are taking, a good idea you had for work while you were in between sets, EVERYTHING!!

Not only is this important for progress, but its also good to be able to look back on your training log and either have a good laugh at the dumb stuff you did (my laugh came from a terrible routine about 6 years when I apparently forgot I had a lower body) or for a reminder of how well you progressed during a certain program or phase from earlier in your training career, so that you can do something similar and hopefully see similar results.

Regardless of what you are doing, keeping a log is a simple step that can help you towards your strength and fitness goals. So grab a notebook and a pen and never leave for the gym without it!

As a reminder, I am starting my free training sessions for high school, off-season athletes this week. The sessions will be on Saturdays, will run for 4 weeks and are taking place at Neighborhood Health and Fitness Center in Ravena, NY.

The session will begin at 3pm and last about an hour. I will be putting athletes through a strength based session I put paying clients through.

Please call me at 518 312-8106 if you are planning on attending.

Post questions or comments below or email me at

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