Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hill Season

The precipitation has turned from snow to rain. You can smell the grills on Saturday afternoon. The sun comes up before 8am. You don't need a winter hat, jacket and gloves to walk to your car. It can only mean one thing...

Yup. It's hill season.

The weather is nice enough to get your "cardio" done outside. Yesterday was day 1 for me and a training partner. It was brutal and awesome. We essentially did an hour of sprints.

I've written on here in the past about running hills and how much I love them and all the benefits so I won't go through that again. All I will say is get a partner or group together and start sprinting up a hill. Set a number or a time and every time you hit the hill push yourself to get better and progress.

Having a training partner is a must. Its very easy to quit half way through if you're by yourself. When you're with somebody else its very difficult and the more people you have the better.

For those of you in the Ravena-Coeymans area, the hill behind the high school is perfect. I'll be going 2-3 times per week and I'll be posting what times if anybody wants to jump on board.

Hill season comes before beach season. Get your hill on for the next 2 months and you'll be happy with the results.

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