Thursday, June 3, 2010


Post #1...really not sure how to start since my bio is sitting off to the right, so I'll just let you know what you can plan on seeing from this blog on a pretty regular basis:

I plan on giving you links to video's, articles and anything else that I have read that I think you may find of interest. From nutrition to exercise protocols, I will be broad and general in the area that covers health and fitness, from the standpoint of a strength and conditioning coach.

I also plan on filling you in on what I am doing. As of right now, I will be working with a number of collegiate teams when they get back to campus at the end of the summer and I am already working with 2 teams with their off-season training. I will mostly talk about my professional work, but may throw in some personal stuff that may be important.

Along with what I am doing, I will let you know when I am offering certain services, which may be at a low cost or for free, seeing as I want as much experience as I can get before finishing school and heading home to continue learning and working in this great field that I have built such a passion for.

More than anything, this will be the learning process that I go through as I go through the steps to make myself a successful strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer.

I thank you for reading and starting this journey with me that will lead to my own sports performance business one day. I expect many ups and downs and I am happy that I can share the path that I will travel on.

Change the Game

Strength for When it Counts


1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with your June 3rd post. Looking forward to hearing more and good luck with your new venture!!
